Even though we're dealing with some classic early spring weather in the Northeast, I'm pushing forward towards the May flowers ahead. I've got big dreams of seedlings pushing through the warming earth, fresh buds on trees, and the return of greenmarkets, sharing their early harvests around the city. Here are a few things that I've got my eye on for an April in bloom.
Left to right, beginning in the top row:
A couple of Hudson Valley seed packs, for generating a little homegrown haven on my little city balcony.
An energizing flower remedy, to motivate and renew.
An herbal bath tea, for relaxing amidst the blooms.
A gorgeous new fragrance oil, for dabbing sexy jasmine and rose scents on the key pressure points.
A new diffuser, so that every room can smell just as delicious as outside, thanks to floral essential oils.
A nourishing rose petal hydrosol, for nurturing turn-of-the-season skin during those raw early spring days.
A fermentation crock, for pickling and curing 'krauts that honor our internal flora and fauna.
A bright nail polish, in "Pansy", for bringing the tips and toes to the flower party too.
A market basket, for toting home locally-grown blooms from our favorite farmer's market and shops.