I'm looking forward to a few days of centering myself and cooking up some warming meals while the snow falls outside. Here are a few things that are currently floating around my brain space to take you into the weekend:
- Rediscovered The Pious Bird of Good Omen, the early Fleetwood Mac album, which grooved me toward the end of the week. Really dig the wildly sexy version of "Black Magic Woman."
- Mesmerized by Yuri Ancarani's video of a Italian marble quarry boss, his gentle gestures and the enormity of it all.
- Reminded by this article of the value of lunchtime walks. We sit too much at work - period. Next week, let's all promise to get out of the office and give our brains a break.
- And lastly, touched by this beautiful quote on the personal nature of forgiveness that has stuck with me over the past month, from the wonderful revived "Dear Sugar" podcasts on WBUR:
“The hard thing is that you have to do all the work. And the beautiful thing is that you get to do all the work.”